Monday, January 6, 2014

Fish tacos

I crave tacos at least once every week. I discovered tacos the right way. You know when you are 18, and you cross the border to have a drink, on your way home, you could ask the taxi driver to take you to get tacos first before you get back to border. That was 10 years ago. I do not recommend crossing the border for libations and tacos. I heard it's not the same. But that's when I first had good tacos. I was hooked. In L.A., taco shops, carts, and trucks litter the landscape. I had a few favorites including Taco Zone in Echo park for their vegetarian tacos! (Yes I said veggie) they are the best. Cheese, rice, beans, and fresh salsa all melty and hot. Then there is Leo's in Eagle Rock for their tripas tacos. Theirs is fried until crunchy and golden brown, not strange and rubbery. In LA I always suggest skipping the Asada, and going for something else, even the Al Pastor is a good bet. But today I whipped up fish tacos. 

Fish: I used tilapia
Corn tortilla
Yogurt, plain
Chili powder
Fresh cilantro

Marinate the tilapia in the lime, and chili powder. 
Get pan heated, add oil, as always I suggest using red palm oil. (Extra vitamin A and no refined oils)
Add marinated fish to heated pan. 
Meanwhile heat up your tortilla. You can do this on a griddle or even in your microwave. When tortillas are warm, add accoutrements to tacos in the meantime.  That is the kale, cilantro, plain yogurt, avocados, and salsa. I do this while the fish is cooking. 
When fish is cooked through. Add to your tortilla. Serve with fresh lime and tapatio and chips on the side. Enjoy! 

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