Saturday, March 7, 2015

The Balanced Life

I'm obsessed with food. Yeah? When I first went back to school, I thought I wanted to be an R.D. (Registered Dietitian). You see when I was jobless. All I did was work out 2x a day, eat really healthy, and be skinny. I was inspired. I probably thought I could do that for a living. Be a dietitian. That didn't work out. The stress of school (Organic Chem, BioChem, what?!) and studying caused me to overeat and then I left no time for working out. I also did not like the R.D. path which was training us to work with the ill, which is a great thing, but it was not my calling, especially considering my love for food for its pleasure, and considering how poorly I ate too. I ended up with my food science degree for several reasons. I think by that time I realized I was not into the whole R.D. thing. I was not interested in doing the 3 unit internship for it, taking the exam for it, or doing the one year long internship for it, going through the application process for it. I was supposed to be a double major actually, and at the time, because of budget cuts, the school made me pick one. Food Science or Nutrition. The choice was easy. Food Science. I didn't have to do that internship. I realized while doing my food science internship that I had a passion and interest for building food safety programs for businesses. And then I got my dream job at my dream company. I was be in charge of building the quality program for one of my favorite brands and products. It was set.
Anyway. This does not mean I am not chasing my dream of a balanced life. The one where I work, eat healthy, workout, take care of my mind, body, and health, while at the same time maintaining my friendships, spending time with family, and having a little fun here and there.
 I thought about it recently, and my life is pretty balanced. I do get to eat well, workout, I have a great job, and a comfy home, great friends, and my family is nearby too. But I'm not doing enough. My belly is still huge! LOL. I get asked if I am pregnant, maybe at least once year. My belly just likes to hang out. I remember noticing my belly was kind of round since I was around 9, and I guess over the years, that belly just keeps getting bigger and bigger. I do eat a lot though, so I can't act dumb, and pretend I do not know where this belly came from.
Anyway. I'm trying to change up my workout routine, specifically, I'm trying to incorporate some running, even if it is just once a week. I've been doing bar method for over a year now, and I think I need something a little more, to really get my blood flow going, not that bar method does not do that.
You know another thing I like to do is go bouldering. It sounds so strange. But I like it. It's scary, because if I let go, my brain thinks I might die. Bouldering is rock climbing without the ropes. In a bouldering gym, you follow a colored tape path called a problem, and when you make it all the way to the top, you feel that instant gratification of accomplishment. Your heart is racing. Your arms are sore. It's perfect.
So I got sore legs from running, sore arms from climbing. Perfect.
Anyway back to the diet thing. Cutting off comfort food would be difficult for me. I grew up in a home, that always had a a good hot meal waiting for me cooked by my father. Food is how I knew my father's love. Also, there's all these diet theories out there, and it's to figure out which one will work for you. Eating healthy is kinda common sense. Eat a lot of veggies? Eat a lot of fat (french diet, bullet proof), eat like a caveman, cut out carbs, cut out wheat, calorie ristrict, Ah! what to do?! what to eat!
Anyway I found this chick, Frelee, recently. I've been intrigued by her diet theory. Hers is raw vegan, and mostly fruit! Aka high carb! this sounded like a yummy diet. All the fruit i want! MmmmMMmm. SHe believes in mono fruit meals too. Meaning you eat one fruit, so your body and brain does not take a lot of energy digesting the food. She is also called the banana girl because she believes that bananas a a good fruit to do this mono diet with because a lot of us are low in potassium. Also, you have to eat ripe bananas! No green bananas. Ok? She got me fantasizing that I can too can be like Frelee one day.

Here is just one of her videos. I kinda just picked it randomly.