Thursday, April 30, 2015

Is Guam Plan B?

Guam. That small little island I am from. I grew up there. Growing up, I always knew I would end up leaving. I think it just seemed like the thing to do. Both my older sisters did it. Summers were fun in the "states." My friends were all going. So off I went to college. College was hard, none the less. I struggled with the food, with making new friends, with how much more academically was expected from me. Throughout college I always wondered what I wanted to be when I grow up, and I was lucky enough to be given the education and the time to do so. Science classes, art classes, business classes, philosophy, writing, computer, and even fashion- I have explored. Alas my liberal arts education was not working out and I ended up in checkered pants and skull cap at Le Cordon Bleu. Well guess what, after my culinary education, I wanted my college degree, and I thought nutrition made a lot of sense, but in the end, I ended up with a food science degree, which was a better fit. Anyway, I just started working, and work is sometimes hard. I say this, but honestly, I am always beating myself up for not even working hard enough. And sometimes my brain spaces out to Guam. Is Guam plan B? Somewhere my brain day dreams off to, when life gets tough. The answer is yes. Why wouldn't living in warm weather, with beautiful beaches, and moving back home, sound like a bad idea? In the end though, my head always says  "nope nope can't do it."

Anyway. So I tell myself instead. Don't have a plan B. Be happy where I am at. Work hard. I will get where I want to be. Follow my gut instinct.

Let's hope I am not jinxing myself right now. Which I am totally scared I am doing!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Smart things I've heard today . . . QOTDs said by others.

Love someone who doesn't ask anything of you, and just loves you for you, because you are enough.

Sometimes I act in a way after I ask the question, "What would a confident person do?"

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Five things

Five things I am grateful for:

1) My health. I can see, hear, smell, taste, and touch pretty well.
2) My body. Thankful for what it can do, how it looks, and it's potential to be stronger/leaner.
3) My car and gas, because how would I be able to get around!
4) The roof on top of head.
5) Good friends. Friends that will be for you in your good times and when you are at your worst.

Monday, April 13, 2015


So my $25 Hamilton Beach blender from Amazon ended up being so worth it. I really do eat 3 bananas a day. Not crazy 50 bananas and only bananas diet, but just that I feel better knowing I'm eating something wholesome for breakfast and that I am not starving when I arrive to work. I've been making a smoothie every morning.

Whats my usual recipe? 2-3 bananas, OJ or Grapefruit juice. I prefer Grapefruit juice, because I like the bitter flavor. I add berries, be it blueberries or strawberrys. I few ice cubes. Sometimes I will do half an avocado, some granny smiths, and maybe a lil spinach. I've also added mangoes. Yeah! It's a big breakfast! The best part is I don;t have to chew it, it just does straight down the hatch. I usually pack in old giant tubs of yogurt containers and I have a straw to go with it. I look crazy pretty much. It sounds like a lot of food in the morning, but think about it. You really think one banana is gonna hold you off until your lunch time? Also I feel energized and my brain loves that sugar it can run on in the morning. Also, it's really fast and easy to put together. Good luck!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Heart wants what it wants

Something about her monologue in the beginning in beginning feels so heartfelt. I can relate to feeling confident and feeling so great about oneself and then feeling completely shattered in a moment. It's crazy but true. You can be happy and on top of the world and the next moment that feeling is gone.