Thursday, July 14, 2016

Wes Anderson Movies

So I figured out the other type of genre of movies I liked. Cute movies. Director that definitely captures that spirit is Wes Anderson. His movies usually involve fun story telling, interesting colors on the screen, ode to a past era, lovable characters, fashion inspirations, and forbidden and young love. 

Wes Anderson Films such as Grand Budapest Hotel, The Royal Tenenbuams, and Moonrise Kingdom. 

Moonrise Kingdom is now on Netflix and On Demand on Comcast. Please watch it. Moonrise Kingdom is a coming of age, romance story. Nothing is as sweet as that kind of love, when heartbreak does not appear to be eyes of ones in love. 

Royal Tenenbuams is fun for the quirky smart characters and unconventional love stories that also budded from a young love.

Grand Budapest:
Also another coming of age movie. I see a trend here in my movie DNA preference.