Saturday, September 20, 2014

Things that blow my mind

This is the stuff I think about like everyday. 

When I pee, I'm peeing out my filtered blood. I used to just think that peeing was excess water. It's not. It's what's left from your kidneys filtering your blood. This is why you should reconsider what they say about taking vitamins because you will just pee out the excess. Does your kidneys need to do all the extra work? Your decision. I take some vitamins. I need vitamin d because I am barely in the sun and it will be good for calcium absorption. I'll take vitamin c when I am sick or about to get sick. And when you eat. Your intestines are pulling nutrients out to feed your blood so your blood can feed your organs. 

When I put on make up
I'm really walking around pretending I look like a just had the flush that women get when they orgasm. So when I put on my blush you bet I'm thinkin about that. 

When I drive. My car is being fueled by dinosaurs! Gas is made from that gunk deep under earth that the old forest and dead dinosaurs left behind. I'm so amazed! Thank you dinosaurs for helping me drive to work everyday. 

Why is the Starbucks lady on the cup holding her legs wide open?  Close them legs honey. 

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